Can You Do Calisthenics If You Are Overweight?

Arazi Edwards
2 min readMar 20, 2024


By: Free Pik

Calisthenics is known for building crazy athletic physiques for those participating in the sport. But you never see anyone who is overweight do a muscle-up or high-level calisthenic skill. In this article, I’m going to talk about the do’s and don’ts of an overweight individual who wants to start calisthenics.

Basic calisthenics exercises like push-ups and pull-ups can be done even if you are overweight. But because your stomach might be in the way, you may need to modify the exercise to fit your needs. Instead of doing regular push-ups, you can do elevated push-ups. Instead of regular pull-ups, you do banded pull-ups.

But honestly, if I were overweight I wouldn’t even do calisthenics. That’s because calisthenic is designed for lean individuals. That’s why you’ll never see an overweight gymnast, all that extra weight makes the movements harder. It would be better to focus on weightlifting exercises like deadlifts or back squats until you lose the weight. That way when you start calisthenics you’ll have an easier time progressing.


So calisthenics can be done if you're overweight but only the basic calisthenic exercises like pushups, pullups, or dips. You may need to change the variation to accommodate your fitness level. If you enjoyed the article share it with a friend.

