Do Women Have Stronger Legs Than Men?

Arazi Edwards
2 min readOct 16, 2023


Muscle and Fitness

There are women out there who can do some insane things with their legs. It can give the impression that women have stronger legs than men, but that isn’t necessarily the case.

Typically between the two genders women will put more emphasis on working out their glutes and legs rather than their upper body. It can give the impression that women have stronger legs than men. But due to a number of factors that I will discuss that is not the case.

For example, When it comes to powerlifting men had a higher squat weight than women in the same weight class. Men's squat record in the 90kg weight class was 371kg or 818 pounds, while the women in the same weight class were 273kg or 603 pounds.

There are also other factors to consider besides just gender in order to see strength differences. Training experience and lean muscle mass can also contribute to the difference in strength between the two genders.

If you have a similar training experience as your male or female counterpart, your squatting weight may be similar. This is because you have had the time to develop the needed musculature over someone who is less active.

If you also take in count two people of the opposite gender with the same amount of lean muscle mass, the strength differences aren’t so different. The only difference is a higher ratio of lower to upper body strength. For example, if you see a girl with a lower bench press and a similar squat weight as you that is because of a greater proportion of lean muscle in the lower body versus the upper. Women will have a tendency to gain strength more easily in the lower body than in the upper body. Women start out with less muscle in the upper body versus their lower body due physiological factors as well as usage. Everyone uses their legs on a daily basis(walking, running, standing), but not ever one uses their upper body enough to cause adaptions to occur.

Now there are exceptional women out there who do have stronger legs than most men. But for the general population, lower body strength for women is going to be lower than that of a man.

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