How to Create a Body Like an Anime Villian(Calisthenics Edition)

Arazi Edwards
4 min readJun 17, 2024


By: Arazi Edwards

If you have ever seen a superhero TV show where there’s a main protagonist and an antagonist, you will notice most of the time they have a nice physique, special in anime. And while having a 12-pack is not an obtainable goal, I will show how to build a realistic physique like your favorite anime villain.

(watch for a better explanation)

Understanding what makes a physique great

So what makes a physique great? Is it the abs, shoulders, or maybe even the calves? All the above of course. A great example is the embodiment of all those Greek statues that you’ve seen. They have just a great amount of muscles without overdoing it. They have that v-taper, nicely built round shoulders, and are symmetrical on both sides of the body.

Workout Routine Basics

So if I was a beginner again building my physique, I would follow these rules: At least one exercise for the horizontal and vertical plane of the field. That way you can hit the muscle groups differently and strengthen them.

For most of the pushing movements, I would depress and protect the scapula. For pulling movements, I would retract and depress the scapula.

Once you can do 12–15 reps of a movement, I would slow down the tempo to a 1–1–3–1 for pulling and a 1–3–1–1 for pushing. That way your muscles have more time under tension.


So for the diet portion, it will all depend on your body type:

Ectomorph: I would get into a 150–300 kcal surplus that way you can build as much muscle as possible without forming too much fat.

Endomorph: I would focus on cutting 300–500kcal with a calorie cycling plan. Two days out of the week you up the calories to refuel.

Mesomorph: As a mesomorph, you will have an easier time building muscle than an ecto or endomorph. I recommend eating an extra 300–500 kcal keeping the protein for at least 1g per kg of bodyweight.

This is only for those who wish to bulk. You can still eat maintain every calories and make gains. So don’t think that you have to shove a copious amount of Popeyes spinach to obtain big arms. You don’t need to eat big to get big. You need to eat smart.

Body recompensation: If you're trying to lose weight while building muscle, I would up the protein very high(2g x kg of body weight) and reduce the calories by 300–500 kcal depending on the intensity of the cut. That way you have enough protein to build the muscles during recovery.

Body Fat Percentage

The abs are made in the kitchen, and not in the gym. If you want to be lean and muscular you have to not only build muscle but also be at optimal body fat. That’s going to be different for everyone, but a good goal to set is that 10–12% range.

Exercise selection

So these are basic exercises that you can do practically anywhere to build that villain physique:

Dips: Dips help hit the lower chest and the three heads of the tricep. Only go down to a 90-degree angle of the elbows. The more you lean towards the front of the body, the more you work your chest, and vice versa hitting the triceps more.

Push-ups: Push-ups hit the chest and triceps depending on the degree to which you have your elbows. Elbows tuck hits more of the tricep while abducting the elbows will hit more of the chest area.

Pike push-ups: Pike push-ups are mostly shoulder exercises that hit the upper chest. You can elevate the exercise to get a greater range of motion.

Pull-ups: If you want to create that cobra back and v taper, pull-ups are a must to hit the back.

Rows: Another great exercise that you can use in the horizontal field to build the back.

Squats: Basics squats in the beginning and help build muscle. There are two different variations I would utilize. The narrow stance to hit the quads and the wide stance to hit the thighs.

Pistol squats: One of the hardest variations of the bodyweight squat movements that help strengthen the legs once you have reached a decent amount of leg strength.

Nordic curls: Nordic curls help build strength in the hamstrings. Most people won't be able to do them at first, so I would eccentrics or do the floor hamstring curl variation.

Horse stance: If you are not doing the horse stance you are missing out. This is an isometric stance used in kung fu and other marital arts to strengthen the legs. I would hold for low durations and high intensity for best results.

Calf raises: When it comes to calf raises keep the volume high. You can start with 20 reps per set.

Rear delts: Can’t forget about the posterior muscles. You can do reverse flys on the rings or do black widows if you don’t have any equipment. Lay on your back, spread your arms out, retract your scapula, and squeeze your shoulders.

When building strength within the abs, I would focus on l-sits, hanging leg raises, and variations of hollow body holds.

Rest Times

Rest 3–5 minutes between sets and try to get at least 10 sets for each muscle group per week. Rep range will depend on the exercises that you do. I would stay in 8–10 reps for most of them, except for the claves and rear delts because they are smaller muscle groups. Higher reps work is best.


Building an aesthetic physique isn’t as hard as you might think. As long as you do the exercises I discussed and have a good nutrition plan you could end up looking like your favorite anime villain. If you liked the article, please share it with a friend.

