Junk Volume is Killing Your Gains

Arazi Edwards
2 min readMar 18, 2024


Arazi Edwards

You may be doing a ton of volume in the gym thinking that it will help make gains, but not all volume is created equal. If the intensity isn’t there you could be doing something called “junk volume.” Its something people do all too often in there training without knowing it.

(watch for a better explanation)


So first of you need to know what volume is in a exercise routine. It’s he combination of the totally sets, reps, and intensity of a workout.

What is Junk Volume

By: Arazi Edwards

Junk volume is any amount of work you do to the body that doesn’t lead to growth. It’s kind of like that big bag of chips you buy when you have craving and then open and realize it’s just full of air.

If your training consists of a a lot of junk volume you will be working twice as hard without seeing the results you want.

Instead you will end up with fatigue and poor performance.

Cause of junk volume

Some causes of junk volume:

Intensity isn’t high enough: You need at least a moderate intensity to see progress.

Too much volume: Doing too much can cause delayed repair of the muscles.

How to Avoid Junk Volume

Make sure the intensity is there. I would at least have a moderate intensity when working out. Basically do as much as you need but don’t go over board.


So it’s important to work smart and hard at the same time. You don’t need to be last person in the gym doing tons of volume to see the best results. It’s important to keep the intensity high to avoid junk volume. If your enjoyed this article, share it with a friend.

